Ruth Tabancay
Bleached, 2022Crochet, assemblage. Yarn, needle caps, needle sheaths, vial caps, tubing caps, oxygen tubing, nasal prong tubing, polystyrene, pins.36” x 40” x 6”___
Visual Description of Artwork
This work is made of crocheted wavy, curled, and coiled strips of white, off-white, beige, and gray yarn pinned on edge to the wall with pieces closely touching. The crochet surrounds two styrofoam half spheres covered with coils of yarn held flat to the surface with pins. Five half spheres are uniformly covered with one or two types of plastic medical waste such as vial caps, needle caps, or needle sheaths. Two chunks of Styrofoam are uniformly covered with similar plastic pieces, one also with oxygen tubing. One circular crocheted piece and a group of crocheted discs have plastic tubing protruding from them.