Bill Bruckner
Yvette, 1993Acrylic on canvas30 x 24”___
Visual Description of Artwork
A portrait of an Asian American woman in her early 30s, with a round face, short black hair and penetrating dark eyes that look directly at the viewer. Painted in acrylics with broad strokes of grey, black and white with a bright lemon-yellow background wall, the canvas is three feet high by two feet wide. She sits in a manual wheelchair angled to the left and is leaning slightly forward. Her right shoulder is slightly raised, her arms are crossed at the wrists and her long-fingered hands rest on her thighs. Grey hoop earrings dangle from her ears and she wears a dark, short-sleeved, V-neck blouse, and dark pants. Her relaxed face and posture invite you to lean in and talk with her.
__Courtesy of the artist